Sunday, December 12, 2010

Spoofing E-Mails using telnet

The following document is for educational purposes only. I the author will not be held responsible for any misuse of this information.

This is a very old trick but can come in handy !!!


1. Go to run (START>RUN)

2. Then type cmd and click ok

3. A black box will come up. Then you type "telnet 25" without the qoutes. You can even use, and so on.

4. The black box will clear up and some thing will be written. Quickly type "helo" without the qoutes. Press enter.

5. You will get a reply from msn. The you type "MAIL FROM :" without qoutes and making necessary changes. Press enter.

6. You will again get a reply. Now you type "RCPT TO :" without qoutes and making necessary changes. Press enter.

7. Then type DATA and Press enter.

8. Then type the message you want to send. Press enter to go to next line. Finish the message with a fullstop(.) on a new line (ENTER) and then hit enter.

And voila you just spofed your mail !!!

HAVE FUN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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